Sunday, June 12, 2011


Well once again my blogging fell by the wayside. I have continued with the 12WBT and had a loss of 1.5kg last week! :) I was extatic! Sadly I have had a less than successful week, I'm predicting, this week than last week. I have missed a training day (I initially thought it was two but when I went to write this I realised it's just the one) and have had a few sneaky treats. Not major ones and to be honest now that I have sat down to reflect (initially very negative and disappointed in myself this morning!) I actually haven't "fallen off the wagon" like I had made myself believe. If I don't have a loss this week, I will know why and I will be able to make the changes based on that and have a stellar week next week. I had a good run on Saturday morning (5.5km) and then had a hard game of netball where I really pushed myself to run for the duration of the game. Treated myself to a beautiful healthy dinner of grilled fish, cous cous, salad and steamed mushrooms that night!
I'm feeling motivated and invigorated once again and am looking forward to a hard week of training and, hopefully can have a few good sessions over the next few days and, even get a loss on Wednesday!!
I'm hoping to create a motivation board in my room with images of fit women and sportspeople who have achieved amazing things so that I can remind myself, I can do it too!


M xx

Monday, May 23, 2011

Changes and Achievements

Yesterday was the dreaded HBF run for a reason. I was kind of hoping secretly that the predictions of the imminent 'Rapture' were true so I wouldn't have to do it (and assumedly fail!). But I donned my sneakers, met my beautiful bubbly energetic friend and we promised ourselves that we would complete the 4.5km run in under half an hour. Off we went and to cut a very long, and very humorous, story friend and I missed the turn off and had to navigate our own way back to the finish line. And in doing so, racked up a total of 7.2km! That's by far the most I've run consistently in months! Felt fabulous and felt amazing to do it with my lovely friend at my side, I don't think I could've done it (without crying!) if she wasn't at my side.

This morning had my job interview so wasn't able to have an early morning workout like I would have hoped. But that didn't matter, I told myself that not exercising on the first official day of the 12WBT wasn't an option! I got home from work at 5pm and headed straight out. Determined to smash one of my mini milestone goals (to run my whole estate) and to beat my negative thought processes and mental blocks; I promised myself that I would not stop until I got all the way around the estate and back to my front door. In total 4.3km in 28minutes. It was a lot more bloody painful after yesterday and minus the electrolyte drink to relieve cramps! But I thought I couldn't go on at 1km, but I did and I didn't think I could go on at 2km, but I did so I just kept pushing and pushing until I did it. Stopping at my door felt amazing (and tight!!) and I know now that my mental roadblocks are a thing of the past.

Watch out goals, calories and kilos - you is going dowwwwwwwn!!

M x

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

In the words of Charlie Sheen ... Winning!!

Fabulous day at work and fabulous opportunities appearing on the horizon; possibilities I didn't even dream of are potentially coming to fruition! I felt on top of the world at work. I feel like finally I've got control of my life, am actively making things happen and, as a result, fantastic things are happening!! :)

Attended a seminar tonight on health and wellbeing and learnt so much! Honestly - it surprised me how much I thought I knew. But also re-invigorated my passion for learning and in particular learning about health and health promotion/advocacy. In addition I got attendance prizes of a free chiropractic consultation and an initial fitness/health assessment at a wellness gym! Aaaand was one of three major door prizes that got me a fandango new posturpole for better spinal alignment; 2kg of yummy, healthy, all natural muesli and a book on health and wellness.

Plus, had an early sneaky weigh in prior to my measurements for the "Measure Up" final pre season task of 12WBT and have had a loss! :) Woooo!

Feeling good, feeling powerful and feeling more like the real me then ever before!

And in the wise words of one of the presenters tonight -
"No matter where you are today, you have the power to change tomorrow by the decisions that you make right now..."

M x

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My commitment!

Here is my commitment...

I commit to following this program 100% and achieve, not just my fitness goals but also my lifestyle goals. I commit to using everyday to become a stronger, fitter, happier and optimistic version of myself. I commit to challenging myself. I commit to pushing myself to my limits and proving that I am strong, independent and worthy of amazing things!

By the end of the 12WBT I will:

a) Be at least 5 kg lighter
b) Run 12km without stopping
c) Be able to look back on the program and know I gave it 110%

Over the next 6 months I will:

a) Complete a triathlon
b) Run the city2surf again and smash my PB
c) Surround myself with good people and good environments
d) Challenge myself in something - I haven’t decided as of yet exactly what this will be!
e) Continue to push myself @ work and strive for excellence in the tasks I take on
f) Be the best daughter, sister, friend and girlfriend that I can be
g) Be happy and never ever ever ever take for granted what I have

M xx

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Already I can see the small mindset changes beginning to happen. I am a lot more positive about everything, not just things relating to the program. I am starting to bring those subconscious thought processes/excuses and looking at them a lot more objectively. So when I had been for a run last night and had a healthy dinner, I found myself planning what 'treat' I would have for dessert! And I wasn't even hungry! So a lot of these excuses are being addressed quickly and shut down even more quickly!!

I also found myself yesterday morning as my alarm sounded at 5:30am on a very cold morning, saying to myself "it's too cold", "I deserve to sleep in" and all these other BS things that I was telling myself to get out of something that was actually going to make me feel a lot better! So I snoozed the alarm. After work, I knew I was going for a run. I wasn't 'motivated' or 'diciplined', I just knew that I HAD to go for a run before I went to bed that night. So I did and it was a GREAT run! One of my best and longest runs. And when I got home, I wasn't hungry, the run kicked my appetite for a good few hours when normally I come home from work starving! I'm beginning to really understand and appreciate what Michelle says about 'motivation' being a myth and, rather that, consistency is the real key!

Looking forward to setting my goals for task 3 next! I'm waiting until I'm completely focussed and alone, so I can nut out a fabulous list of MY goals without the influence of anyone/anything else around me. Exciting times ahead indeed!!

M xx

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Wow. I did not anticipate just how many lies and fibs I have conceived and fallen for to get out of my training and to jeopardise the consistency of my healthy eating habits! It's quite shocking. I found this pre season task a little difficult as I was forced to ask myself, why exactly am I doing this program? It's the first time I have ever done something 100% for myself, and under no influence whatsoever by the beautiful people in my life. In fact, quite the exact opposite, I have annoyed and confused a few people when I told them what I signed up for! This is something completely for me and something that, realistically, only I will benefit from (although I can see how others may also be influenced/impacted by 'transformation'). That is so empowering and to know that I still have the support of my family/friends, but also the people within the program.

So here they are, no lies, no camouflage and no holding back.

Don't say I didn't warn you, it's a long list!

M xxx

Pre-Season Task 2: Get Real!!

1. I deserve to sleep in because I'm tired
2. I worked out really hard yesterday so I don't need to today
3. I'm 22 and deserve to enjoy treats in life
4. I'm not that big anyway so I can eat naughty things
5. If I'm starving then I deserve food (whatever is around that will make me feel better and kill the hunger)
6. I've always had a broad frame so what's the point; I'll always be bigger than everyone else anyway!
7. I had a good workout today so I deserve to eat 'x' type of food.
8. I feel faint/shaky/tired and need a quick hit of sugar.
9. You only live once!
10. I've already missed training/eaten something bad today so what's the point? I'll start 'properly' tomorrow!

1. I will actually feel more awake and more alert after a starting my exercise session than if I stayed in bed. I will get up and just start my workout and if I'm still exhausted after 20minutes then I will have a break - but I know that I will be much to awake/alert to stop!
2. I need consistency in my training to ensure I meet my goals. I worked out really hard yesterday and it felt great? Well good, try and better that effort today and feel even better!
3. I'm 22 and deserve to live a healthy and happy life til I'm 122! By losing focus now and justifying treats for myself, I am just sabotaging the fun and enjoyment I have in life over future years. It feels amazing to feel fit, thin and in control, this feeling surpasses any instant gratification of skipping a work out or indulging in a naughty food!
4. I like the feeling of feeling light and fit, if I eat this food, I will lose that feeling and although others may not physically see it's effects, I will feel it and have to deal with that feeling of guilt, sluggishness and regret for the rest of the day. Incorporate a lay-by system where if I want something, I will mentally put it on lay by for 24 hours, if I still want it, I will savor it and take my time enjoying it because it's my one treat - chances are by then the impulsivity is gone and I won't even want it!
5. By making smart food choices, I will ensure that I will no longer feel the need to have ‘naughty’ foods. When I’m hungry I will think clearly about any food option there may be, I will ask myself a) will this fill me up; b) what nutrition does it offer me and c) would I be able to stand by this choice when I report my daily intake to my friends/family. If no then there’s just no point!
6. I’m doing this program for me and for me only. No one else feels that I need to lose weight, this is something that I want to do and become the best me I can. It’s more than how I look and how much I way, it’s about my feelings of control and pride. I have been slimmer on my frame before and felt beautiful; I know that I can feel lighter and therefore smaller by following Michelle’s program strictly.
7. The reason that I worked my ass off doing a workout was so that my body responds in a positive way – by indulging in something that I know will not benefit my body I will be counteracting all my efforts! I am doing this program to become stronger, fitter and slimmer; with every ‘reward’ I’m taking two steps back. Realistically, it’s as if I hadn’t participated in the program that day!
8. The instant sugar hit will in fact make me feel worse in the long run. The sudden spike in sugar levels will mean that there will inevitably be a greater drop and I will feel faint, shaky, weak AND on top of that fat and guilty! When I feel this ‘pang’ of wanting a sugar fix or feel weak, I will have a piece of fruit and a glass of water and have a rest for 20minutes.
9. Yes, you do only live once – so let’s make sure it’s a happy, healthy and long life! I’ll enjoy the social events more, be more focused and in control at work, I’ll look better and feel better about myself. I’ll be a better, more fun and happier version of myself; the best version of me is a better girlfriend, friend, daughter and sister.
10. Tomorrow never comes. Every day will require me to take small steps each day to ensure my success for the next day. This program is about executing control and self-discipline – it’s as much about my daily choices as it is about how I respond if I do fall off the wagon. I analyze where I went wrong, what excuses did I use, how did I feel afterwards and how can I change what happened for next time.

1. My knee/hip/foot really hurts and I don't want to further any injuries
2. It's too cold
3. It's too hot
4. I've got a big event today/tonight and don't want tire myself now from exercise and ruin my day/night.
5. I'm too busy and don't have time to exercise today
6. I feel sick and don't want to push myself if it might make it worse

1. There will always be other options if I feel that a particular joint or muscle is hurting. To prevent injury however I will ALWAYS stretch before and after my workouts. If it hurts when I’m running, I will go for a bike-ride. If I can’t do squats, I’ll do a light jog. I will ensure that one way or another I meet my calorie expenditure requirements!
2. Put on a jumper and get outside! Once I start moving, I’ll warm up pretty quickly anyway! I’ll warm up much faster by getting out of bed/getting out of the house and going for a run than I would be laying in bed or sitting on the couch shivering away.
3. By exercising on warmer days, I’ll sweat out more toxins and if I get outside, I’ll get a nice tan while I’m at it. Double thinspiration – exercise to tone me up and developing my tan that makes me look healthier and slimmer!
4. If I think back to every exercise session I’ve had, after about 90% of all of them I have felt more energetic and positive following it than before I got up off my ass. I’ll enjoy the event more knowing that I’ve worked hard to look fabulous for it.
5. Everyday has 24 usable hours. If I have enough time to watch television, read a book or sit on my ass, I have enough time to get up and exercise! In the long run, my time efficiency will actually improve. By doing my workout in the morning, I will have given myself the rest of the day to spend as I please, I will be more motivated to make positive food choices and will be more focused!
6. When I feel sick, similarly to when I say that I feel too tired, I will start my workout and see how I feel after 20 minutes. It’s likely that I’ll in fact feel better and will WANT to continue. If I get sick and I’m not able to exercise (tonsillitis, flu etc), I will make sure that I attempt low impact exercise inside the house and make better food choices. When I am better, I will make up for the time I lost and do double sessions to regain the calorie deficit I should have been burning!

1. If a family/work/friend crisis arises.

1. I will be a part of that situation as much as I'm required to be and that I feel is necessary at the time, but I will also remind myself that a temporary block in the road will not permanently derail me from my goals and put me off my path. I will remember that I will be better able to deal with whatever situation arises when I'm strong, when I'm feeling healthy and when I am focused, all which is brought on by exercise and good nutrition. I will continue to be a better version of me to deal with situations that might arise, because at the end of the day, a focused/healthy/happy mind is the best state of mind to be in going into any situation that needs positivity.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Watch this Space: Pre-season Task 2

Excuses, Excuses and more Excuses. I'm very excited about this task - I think it will be a real breakthrough moment for me where I address a lot of my common faults and errors in my diet and exercise. So many excuses to wade through and construct solutions for!

On another note, I will continue to instead focus on fitness than weight loss. My BMI is 23 and thus smack bang within the healthy range so realistically I shouldn't push myself to lose the desired 9-11kg and should look at my feelings of energy and positivity and fitness as the best measure of my progress in this program! I still would like to have a goal weight, and a goal loss, but I will more realistically aim it to 9kg, however not kill myself to get there! I'll allow my body to find it's own equilibrium. I promise to follow Mish's program to the letter and cross all the t's and dot the i's! My body with naturally respond and tell me which is its ideal state and I will ensure that I treat myself with the utmost respect and positivity!

M xx